Wish list registries are the better way to let friends and family know what your child would like for their birthday.

While gift registries for kids are relatively new, over 70% of the moms we surveyed said they wished every party invite came with a link to a wish list. Why? Because it saves time and prevents overthinking. Plus, billions of pounds of unwanted gifts end up in the landfill each year, so buying from a wish list registry ensures they always give the perfect gift.

Wish lists for kids birthday parties Creating a wish list registry is simple! Just start browsing the gifts on our website. You can choose from hundreds of toys, games, and local experiences. When you find an item you want, click the "Add to Wish List" button to register your account.

Once you've completed your wish list, you can share it with friends and family. Select the "share" button in your wish list profile, and you'll get a custom link to copy and paste.

We recommend adding the link to the bottom of your invitations.

Share Wish List for Child's Birthday
Wish Lists for Kids Partydip Friends and family can easily shop your wish list and choose where the items are shipped. Your wish list tracks which items have been purchased, so you never receive a duplicate!

That's it! Now your friends and family have found the perfect gift, and they decide whether the gift is delivered to them for wrapping or delivered directly to you.

Ready to get started?



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